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7086Flower, 7 various coloured artist picture cards 19,00
7087ALBRECHT Duerer, 7 various coloured picture cards from the set 301 (12 cards) in the Ackermanns art publisher appeared 19,00
7088Artist picture cards, 12 various picture postcards - only officially publications the royally National Gallery to Berlin 18,00
7089Artist picture cards, 3 various picture postcards - officially issue of the ministry of the cult and public Instruct to Dresden 15,00
7090Artist picture cards, 3 various coloured picture postcards, pretty adorned (floral) with sinnigen sayings, from art publisher Abshagen, Dresden, no. 257 / 8 and 260 12,00
7091Artist picture cards, 13 various coloured landscape pictures 10,00
7092Artist picture cards, 34 various coloured picture postcards 13,00
7093Artist picture cards, 4 various coloured picture postcards from W. Burger, set 14315,00
7094Name-day, 4 various picture postcards 15,00
7095Horses, 2 various cards from 1899 / 1915, used 13,00
7096INDRAROT; 3 various promotional picture postcards, reverse 3 various special cancel 25,00
7097Wild animals from Africa, 5 various coloured artist picture cards, signed M Müller jun. Munich 1906, set 410 25,00
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7098The postal offices and her town cancel respectively place-notes in Schleswig Holstein, from 17th century up to issue new postmark types, from Fritz Klauke, 1975 in the Even publishing house appeared, bound, 157 sides and a few supplements, in good condition38,00
7099333 years Brunswick post 1535-1867, from Henri Bade, 1960 by Karl Pfannkuch appeared, bound, 197 sides, with a enclosures, some foxing13,00
7100Old German States under the magnifying glass - Baden - Luebeck, volume I, 4. Edition, 1956, Ewald Mueller-Mark, 374 sides, bound38,00
7101Krötzsch handbook the postage stamps knowledge - sections V-IX, Brunswick - Luebeck, with pages with images I-V and VII, 1894, 94 sides, bound, cover slight traces of use88,00
7102Krötzsch handbook the postage stamps knowledge - sections X, both Mecklenburg, with pages with images Schwerin I-XV and Strelitz III, 1895, 52 sides, bound, cover slight traces of use88,00
7103Krötzsch handbook the postage stamps knowledge - sections XII, Oldenburg, with pages with images I-VI, 1894, 119 sides, bound, cover slight traces of use88,00
7104The propaganda insets in the half cancel machines near the post office Hamburg 1 1922 to 1945, handbook and cancel catalogue, volume 166, 2004, new serie of fonts the Postmark guild, 77 sides13,00
7105The Columbia letter cancellation machine, history - handbook - catalogue, booklet 53, 2003, Infla Berlin, 132 sides13,00
7106The rocket post - her development and first attempt, precursor stamps, cancel and flights, 1. Part: Germany, Guenther Heyd, 16 sides13,00
7107The balloon from Paris 1870-71, 1970, Gunther Heyd, 55 sides, with some illustrations13,00
7108Private post serie of fonts, 1990-98: no. 5, 11 / 2, 14 / 5, 20 / 1 and 23, 8 booklets9,00
7109Working group private post, 18. Year (2000), no. 69-72, 4 booklets9,00
7110Working group private post, 19. Year (2001), no. 73-76, 4 booklets9,00
7111Working group private post, 21. Year (2003), no. 81-84, 4 booklets9,00
7112Working group private post, 22. Year (2004), no. 85-88, 4 booklets9,00
7113Working group private post, 23. Year (2005), no. 89-92, 4 booklets9,00
7114Working group private post, 24. Year (2006), no. 93-96, 4 booklets9,00
7115Working group private post, 25. Year (2007), no. 97-100, 4 booklets, in addition to it a table of contents for the 1.-25. Year9,00

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