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70617 various old picture postcards: Argentina, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago and Honduras 13,00
LotPhotoNAVEL SHIPS cat. no.Price €Buy It
7062The foreign country division in the Atlantic, 2 various picture postcards 13,00
7063S. M. S. Augsburg, 3 unused cards, in part a little blotched 13,00
7064S. M. S. Grill, 4 cards, one of it used 13,00
7065The seagoing fleet, 5 various picture postcards 25,00
7066S. M. S. King Wilhelm in Flensburg, fieldpost card 13,00
7067Large kreuzer, 3 various cards, as well Moltke, Seydlitz and of the pine forest 25,00
7068Ran from the enemy, 2 various cards 13,00
7069Skagerrak, to the battle. Rescue through our torpedo boats, coloured artist picture card 13,00
7070On deck the warships, 10 various photo cards, with rarely subjects 63,00
7071Commemoration, 5 various cards 38,00
7072Sailors love, 22 various mostly used kitsch cards 94,00
7073Seemannslos, 10 various cards one set 38,00
7074Be guardian angel, 6 various cards one set (S 37, 1-37, 6), some foxing 25,00
7075Torpedo boats: 10 various cards 75,00
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS - NAVEL SHIPS UNTIL 1945cat. no.Price €Buy It
7076Warship under the high bridge by Rendsburg, postcard from 1935 13,00
7077Wave, former motor fishing cutter and then experimental boat of the former Reichs and war navy, postcard 13,00
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS - SHIPS UNTIL 1949cat. no.Price €Buy It
70785 various cards, among others The Fleets to London, Hands across the Sea 25,00
7079MONTE SARMIENTO, twin-screwed motor vessel, picture postcard and in addition to it menu card of the ship of the North country journey 1926 25,00
7080R. N. NAPOLI, used picture postcard 13,00
7081S. S. MALOLO on the Panama Canal, picture postcard to Munich 13,00
7083Ships the K d F. Fleet at the driveway from the Hamburg port, card from 1937 13,00
7084Approximate. 1907-13, 2 used picture postcards with passenger vessels 25,00
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS - SHIPS FROM 1950cat. no.Price €Buy It
7085Sail training ship Gorch Fock, unused card 13,00
7086Flower, 7 various coloured artist picture cards 19,00
7087ALBRECHT Duerer, 7 various coloured picture cards from the set 301 (12 cards) in the Ackermanns art publisher appeared 19,00
7088Artist picture cards, 12 various picture postcards - only officially publications the royally National Gallery to Berlin 18,00
7089Artist picture cards, 3 various picture postcards - officially issue of the ministry of the cult and public Instruct to Dresden 15,00
7090Artist picture cards, 3 various coloured picture postcards, pretty adorned (floral) with sinnigen sayings, from art publisher Abshagen, Dresden, no. 257 / 8 and 260 12,00
7091Artist picture cards, 13 various coloured landscape pictures 10,00

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